小弟我先點右下角的登入 他就說beanfule改版了 感謝您對beanful的支持......之後就登入了 可是玩遊戲時 網頁出現無法顯示的狀態類似這樣 We were unable to return you to beanfun.com.<id id="mainTitleNoScript">We were unable to return you to the page you were viewing.</id>
Go to your home page<id id="goHomeNoScript">Go to your home page.</id> |
Try to return to beanfun.com<id id="retryNoScript">Try to return to the page you were viewing.</id> |
More information<ID id="moreInformation">More information</ID> |
When a website causes a failure or crash, Internet Explorer attempts to restore the site. It stops after two tries to avoid an endless loop.
此文章最後更新於 2012-09-16 21:23:15
1.請在new beanfun登陸http://tw.new.beanfun.com/